
Listening and following directions are a main goal we set for our three’s so that they will have success in Pre-K.

Social skills include learning self-control and consequences. We encourage our students to become of aware of their feelings and those of their friends. We introduce the concept of respect and how to appropriately respond to the big emotions they may have as they struggle through these maturing years.

Our Classes

  • Classes

    Our three-year-old classes have eight children with one teacher. More independent, three-year-olds eagerly soak up knowledge around them and do best when they feel safe and secure and are provided hands on experiences.

  • Brightwheel

    Our Brightwheel App makes it easy for our teachers to communicate with parents throughout the day and vice versa. It’s a great tool that keeps you aware of how your child’s day is going.

Daily Schedule

Academics for our three’s include letter and sound recognition, name recognition plus learning how to trace/write, counting and number recognition, shapes, and colors.  

  • Art

  • Chapel

  • Circle/Learning Time 

  • Story Time

  • Outdoor or Gym Play

  • Music/Movement

Chapel Time

The threes go to chapel weekly, where they sing and dance to Bible songs, hear a short Bible story, and watch a 3-minute DVD on that same story. Our focus is for them to know that Jesus loves everyone, and we teach them how easy it is to pray anytime and anywhere.

Enrollment & Fees

  • Monthly Tuition

    $230 per month for regular preschool hours.
    Before/After Care is available for an additional fee.

  • Registration Fee

    This is an annual fee due at registration.

  • Supply Fee

    This is an annual fee that helps cover supplies needed for the year.

Become a
Little Zebra

If you are interested in joining one of our programs, have more questions, or want to schedule a tour, fill out the form below!



