Most two-year-old children need more structure as they become independent, but this class still has plenty of child-led play.

We introduce colors, shapes, counting and we constantly engage our students in language to improve their vocabulary. Our social skills introduce manners and the concepts of sharing and being a good friend.
Our Classes
Class Sizes
The Two-Year-Old Classes at Little Zebras have a ratio of eight children to two teachers. For the younger two-year old’s there is a bathroom inside the classroom that helps those ready for potty training and makes it easy for children to keep their hands washed throughout the day. The older two’s classrooms are located directly across the hall from the bathroom for easy access.
Our Brightwheel App makes it easy for our teachers to communicate with parents throughout the day by sending notifications on diaper changes, how much they ate at lunch, and when and how long they napped.

Daily Schedule
We provide age-appropriate art, sensory activities, music, story-time, and plenty of child-led play. Our teachers are loving, engaged and strive to make your child’s experience in our class a positive one.
Circle/Learning Time
Story Time
Outdoor or Gym Play
Chapel Time
The twos go to chapel weekly, where they sing and dance to Bible songs, hear a short Bible story, and watch a 3-minute DVD on that same story. Our focus is for them to know that Jesus loves everyone, and we teach them how easy it is to pray anytime and anywhere.
Enrollment & Fees
Monthly Tuition
$230 per month for regular preschool hours.
Before/After Care is available for an additional fee. -
Registration Fee
This is an annual fee due at registration. -
Supply Fee
This is an annual fee that helps cover supplies needed for the year.
Become a
Little Zebra
If you are interested in joining one of our programs, have more questions, or want to schedule a tour, fill out the form below!